Sunday, 29 June 2008

Ladies who shop

Right today I was at work. Now my usual shift at NEXT is 3 till 7 on a saturday, which is shit, and its the time when stupid unorganised women come in, to buy the all important pair of shoes to go with their all important outfit which they need for their all important night out. And when you don't have the size of shoe they're after... they go ape. I feel like saying... well no offence love but those shoes aren't the main problem... because lets face it... you can't polish a turd.

But today was different. I didn't have a single customer who was a complete tosser, which was nice.

At the end of the day I do like my job. It's easy. And lets face facts... you can run off to the stockroom for a hour to put hangers away and if anyone complains "where've you been?" just use the excuse... "all the hangers had cubes on... so I had to take them all off". Works everytime.

I'm only joking.

I'm a good little worker really. Well that I think I am anyway.

But days like today (a Sunday)... make you feel good about yourself... because you haven't had to deal with any stereotypical boring women, whose main aim in life is to shop.

I've got a haircut tomorrow morning. I'm thinking of getting it cut a bit shorter. Straightening my hair has given me terrible split ends. I'm also thinking of getting it died black... or at least dark brown. But I'll keep applying the fake tan first so I don't look pale.

I WANNA BE ORANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Da Vinci's

Well got a letter from Da Vinci's Hairdressers today. I didn't get the apprenticeship position. I slightly gutted because I feel I would have gained a lot of experience in a place like that. It seemed a place where I could get trained well.

Anyway if I can't get a place somewhere there's always the college course to rely on. I don't think I would get the best training at a college then I would working full time in a salon, but least I'll be doing something.

Anyway I went for a freshers morning at the Image Centre in Leigh this morning. It went well... Alot to take in mind you.

We had to go to a room where we got told about different trips avaliable to go on, and how much are hairdressing uniforms and kits would cost etc...

Whilst I was sat there I found myself judging a few of the girlsin a way that half of this girls live up to the stereotype of a "common" female hairdressers.

The Pregnant Girl

Still in school. Only doing hairdressing because she thinks "Its easy", and theres nothing else she could possibly do with her life.

The Blonde Chav with bad roots

Now she looked like a girl who would go far in life... not! The image centre is called the image centre as its a centre all about IMAGE! Seriously love... but on some less dykey clothes and smarten up a bit!

And Finally the Blonde Chav with bad root's second in command

Now she was worse then the blonde chav. Shes a type of girl who follows her chavvy friend round... not because she likes her... not because they have a special bond... but because she has knowone else, and she'd rather have one friend who looks like a tramp and crawling with STD's, then no friends at all.

Now I'll admit I sound cruel. But isn't it true. When you think of a young 16 year old girl wanting to do hairdressing you automatic assume she's a nieve giggly girl would doesn't really understand the real world.

That's why I'm exciting about hairdressing. Because I'm not a giggly school girl... LOL that statement amused me...

I want to go far in life. I want a good career. And I'm gunna go outta my way to make sure I do.

Thursday, 19 June 2008

The Cat Fight

OMG I've just literally shit a brick!

My cat Roger is known for being a cat with a few missing brain cells, and ends up getting into all sorts of situations. Falling out of windows. Running into doors. Staring at walls. And most of all getting into fights with next doors cat Tom.

Anyway last night I was woken up by the sound of two cats fighting. I presumed it was Roger so I just left it because its become second nature now. I woke up this morning and found Roger in a bit of a bad mood... so I imagined he must of been a bit shook up from the night before. There where no physical signs he was hurt so I thought I'd just leave him to potter around the house as usual.

But just then as I went into my utility room I once again heard the noise of two cats fighting outside my door. I went outside to "break-up" the cat fight, because I thought it would have been the best thing to do.

I looked under the car port for him and under the car but I couldn't see either Tom or Roger anywhere.

As I went to go back inside something caught my eye. Two eyes staring at me through the darkness!

Well my heart almost stopped! I first of all thought it was a person standing behind my dads car staring at me, when really it was just Roger sat on the roof of the car. Either way it shit me up big time!

Its actually really freaked me out. I haven't felt that terrified in a long time.

Well least my girlish screams must have scared next doors cat away. And probably most of the neighbours.

O/j I didn't scream...

Monday, 16 June 2008

A Busy Day

Had my job interview 2day at Da Vinci's in Wigan, for a apprentice position.

Fingers crossed it went well. I think it did but the man interviewing me said there was like 18 other applicants and he had to narrow it down to like 4... so there's only a slim chance I'll get picked... anyway like I previously said fingers crossed. Then again I think by being told the number of applicants made me think if I was fortunate to get choosen as one of the four I would feel even better to know I was better then 14 other people. Wonder if I was the only guy going for the job? That would mean I would have a advantage over the rest. Without sounding sexist but men do have a unfair advantage over women in the hairdressing industry... because there is only a small minority of men which apply to do it.

Anyway then I had work. 5.30 till 10.30. Which wasnt to bad to be honest. Was shattered after it tho. Moving jeans from one place of the store to another is tiring stuff. God I'm unhealthy. I really should quit smoking. It's on my list to do... ;)

After work I went to hang at Kaz's house. You realise how much you hate certain individuals when your in company of true friends. You also realise certain peoples bad qualities when your surrounded by people who you know would never piss you off.

Can't believe Vicky is going off to Oxford. Does this mean I won't see Kaz, Toni and Kyle as often. I hope not. Please tell me this won't be the case.

I have known a lot of different people in my life. I don't no if this is because I'm the "gay friend" who everyone tells things to... but I've listened to a lot of peoples problems, peoples lies, peoples bitchiness, but after a while you tend to avoid this people and classify them as "people you know" rather then people you admire.

But on the other hand there are certain people in my life which I don't ever want to loose. People would don't lie. People who if they had a problem I would devote my 100% attension to because at the end of the day, I would know what was bothering them was true and real.

These people I call my true friends, my best friends. And I'm just so happy they are in my life.



Thursday, 12 June 2008

Mr Liquid

Have you noticed the moment you start liking some... it ends.

You can casually see a guy. Go for a drink. Chat on the phone. Text etc. But the moment you tell a friend you like someone... Its no more. For no reason!

This is the second time this has happened.

I talk to a guy. Keep in touch for a few weeks. Everything goes fine. Then the moment I feel... wow I kinda like this guy I can see this going somewhere... It doesn't!


Anyway this is my second blog of the day so its only a short one.

Am I the only one who feels this way...

Wednesday, 11 June 2008

My AIDS scare and the Old Man


I'm in a bit of a situation...

A few years ago I got a tattoo at a place called Rays. I was only about 15-16 when I got it done so looking back on it it seemed like a bit of a stupid thing to do.

Don't get me wrong I love my tattoo... I have no regrets there. But the idea they actually let me have a tattoo at that age without asking for any ID does seem a bit strange. Anyway the problem is these past few weeks I have heard all sorts of different rumours about the place.

My friend Steph text me about a month or so ago asking where did I get my recent tattoo from... which was Skin Graffiti. After replying to this she said "Ok thats fine, just if you had it done at Rays you have to go for a blood test".

But then I was thinking well I did go to Ray's... only that was a few years back now.

A week or so past and as I was in Wigan, I was walking past Ray's and there was a sign on the door stating "Ray's has never been closed down, and never will".

So this made me believe that what my friend Steph told me was just hearsay.

But now I've just got off the phone to my friend Amanda from work... who told me the same thing about if you've been to Ray's you need a blood test, due to the use of dirty needles.

So what do I do...

I personally feel its just a visious rumour going round.

But I still feel it would be better to be safe then sorry.

But then again can I be bothered. I don't feel scared enough to bother going for a blood test.

I feel like a tosser for saying that!

Moving on... onto the Old Man.

Today I had my first English Language exam. It was horrible so I don't wanna go into much detail about how I feel it went... Then again I did learn a lot about the suffragette Emily Davison... God she was a strange woman... I understand her intensions but if you ever read about the way she protested she seemed like a person arguing a point yet didn't know how to argue.

Anyway... I was told I was having a male reader for my exam... That's right I need my own reader... But hay! I get to sit in a classroom rather then the sportshall. So I can't complain.

Anyway my reader was called Trevor. I should have known he was gunna be a small fat balding old man... But I could live in hope that some fit guy would turn up and do more then talk to me about linguistic features. (God I've just realised I'm using English terminology in "sexy talk", something must be seriously wrong with me).

But unfortunately for Trevor he wasn't my type.

Better luck next time mate.

But the coffee breath and waist high trousers where a bit of a turn off.

Friday, 6 June 2008


After doing English revision, it reminded me of the class we had where we looked at two texts about political correctness.

This lesson stook out for me as I strongly disagree with the PC society we live in. WTF is it all about... that's what I say.

Sure we have language which we all consider to be taboo... c u next tuesday... if you catch my drift... and the all dreaded N word. But it has gone completely to far.

Yesterday, today and tomorrow there has been, are, and will be people who offend other people. Thats life. We don't live in a world where everyone is nice with each other... People get called... people get bullied... people get insulted... that is what happens. And, as sad as it sounds, that is how things are always going to be.

I believe that words are not offensive unless the reasoning behind using the word is to offend. Does that make sense? If not here I'll explain.

If one of my friends said to me "Mark, you are the biggest puff I've ever met"

Would I be offended... would I balls. People consider the word "puff" to be degrading, but at the end of the day I am a puff, queer, gayboy, so what else are they surpose to call me.

Now if it was a pilled-up 40 year old man shouting "Oi, Puff, fuck off"... then the word puff in that context would be considered offensive.

If I called someone a Nigger, Paki etc I wouldn't consider it to be offensvie, unless I used it in a offensive way... which I wouldn't.

I think people have become too soft. By changing 'mind map' to 'thought granade' just makes more nonoffensive nouns into offensive ones.

Just because some sad act thought it was an insult the entire thing has to be changed... My message to them is... get over it you tosser!

Thursday, 5 June 2008

Another day another dick

Grrrrrrrrr one word... MEN!

Or should I say... RELATIONSHIPS!

What is the point in them. I always thought of myself as being someone who is on the look out for that special someone. Now don't get me wrong I don't mean that in a Sex and the City type of way... where I except to live happily ever after in a penhouse in New York... eventhough that does sound quite fun. But even just finding a simple, reliable man to spend time with is a pain in the arse.

But the people I find even more idiotic then men are people like myself... Who feel (or at least felt) that sooner or later someone would turn up out of the blue and everything would be hunky dorey!

I pride myself as being a positive person. I like who I am and the way I look. I have flaws, don't we all, but I have never considered them to be a issue.

But recently when I have let myself fall for people I have found myself starting to question the positive image I once held so proudly.

Relationships, don't always work. You have to kiss a lot of frogs to find Prince Charming. And by kissing a lot of frogs either gets you a reputation or makes you feel worse.

No one wants to go round kissing frogs all their lives. But its all part and part of growing up and "experiencing" life... if thats the best way to put it.

You have to take the good with the bad. Sometimes people hurt you... sometimes they don't.

True friends don't hurt you. You can pick your friends, which means you can make the choice who you think will stick near you and who wouldn't.

I think I'll keep kissing frogs. As long I realise some frogs maybe complete tossers.