Friday, 24 October 2008

I wanna live here!

This advert fasinates me! In a world or crime, poverty and Lily Allen... you can't help but feel... why the hell is the world so harsh. But just by watching this advert can give you a positive outlook on all mankind.

Sure the commercial is advertising Monarch Scooters... but I feel there is a subtle message behind the simple layout of the advert. The neighbourhood all these "disabled" folk live seems to be the ideal place to live. Everyone seems happy and knows one another. There seems to be not that much traffic... as everyone is driving around on their little scooters in the middle of the streets and there are not children or youths hanging on street corners, playing "curby" so setting off home made fireworks. What a delightful place??? Then again places like that must be on the top end of the market so would most likely set you back a penny or two to buy just a simple one bedroomed terraced. No wonder their clothes look like they've been bought from Oxfam.

Another thought of the day is this... Paul O'Grady is a tosser! Now before you start moaning... I did watch todays show and I had to say I thought it was very sweet what he did for that lady in the audience but regardless I think he's a idiot.

His show is based on these 5 things:-

  • An ugly, smelly looking dog... which has become so much of a novalty you can win a Noddy Buster... whoop whoop!... not!
  • Stupid sexual referances like... "let me go over here and play with my organ"... come on Paul mate... its a tea time television program... we don't need visual images of you banging on out whilst eating our Spag Bol!
  • Arse licking guests! Paul no one cares your friends with Cila Black... I mean for god sake... someone as to be! And no Russell Brand isn't sexy!
  • Ethnic minority child. Seriously... their either black, asian or Irish... I'm sure he just borrows them from Kerry Katona.
  • And finally a bunch of men who help out on the show they you can tell either work in the canteen or is the productions handy men. And at every possible moment are force to take their clothes off so the middle aged women in the audience can scream and wolf whistle. Come on please if I wanted to see a fat black man and a man with a body off baywatch but a face off crimewatch, I'd just go the Hub on a Saturday night.

And thats it. The same 5 things happen of each show.

Now Loose Women, thats a show I can relate to. An hour about talking about how shit men are and shoes is my kinda program. I don't wanna "join the party every week day at 5 oclock"... I wanna know about important things... Like how many calories a Starbucks contains... and what men really want in bed... and will I ever find love... See important things.

So do me a favour Paul and piss off... I preferred you when you where a woman.


Saturday, 18 October 2008

Happy Meals really do bring a smile to your face...

Yesterday I went to visit my friend in hospital. I won't mention their name because its not my place to say who it actually is in hospital, but yeah last night I was at Wigan Hospital visiting my friend.

She has had a lot of health problems over the past few years and for the life of me I couldn't tell you how serious her condition is... as she seems to suffer from a lot of different things.

She went into hospital last Sunday, and she thought she was going to be discharged last night... but then got told she had to stay in for another week. So I thought I'd go and see how she is. She hadn't eaten all week. She said she didn't feel like it... and I'm not surprised... hospital food is hardly eating at the Ritz.

She was talking about how she wanted to order a pizza from Kebab King down the road... but we both came to the conclusion they wouldn't order to Langtree Ward. So I offered to go to McDonalds for her. She wanted a Chicken Nugget Happy Meal, and I wanted a double cheese burger... I mean it would be rude of me not to join her lol.

So I went to get her grub for her and muggled our fest past the miserable nurses at the desk. Her face seemed to light up at the sight of McDonalds. I didn't know if this was because she was starving or it was a sign that their is still life outside the four walls of her ward. Being in a hospital bed for a week must feel like being in prison.

We watched Hollyoaks and talked about how glad we where that Tina McQueen died... we didn't like her. She then infronted me about what was happening next week in Hollyoaks, and Corrie. I don't like Corrie but still I thought I'd just listen to what she had to say. I could tell she'd been reading all the gossip mags cover to cover the past week.

She's now been moved to Manchester for a operation. I wanna go and see her but I'll have to fine out where the place is before its set in stone.

It weird when you see people in hospital you think your life is a piece of piss compared to what their going through... all I care about now is her getting better.


Thursday, 2 October 2008

Well isn't that just the cats Pyjamas

I have internet back!

Don't worry I didn't leave you. I'm still alive and well.

To be honest nothing to exciting has happened in my life... well nothing exciting which you would actually care about. So feel free to stop reading now...

Anyway I love my hairdressing course. I'm just itching to qualify and be employed somewhere... but I think I have a good few years and a lot of practise before I'm good enough to be at that standard... I mean lets face it... I've only been doing it for 5 weeks.

Other then that I'm completely off men. I realised I was becoming someone I kept saying I wasn't... a desperate boyfriend wannabe. So before I turned into a bunny boiler I decided to just take a break from thinking about anything to do with that... and you know what... I've had more attension from guys this past few weeks then when I was on the lookout for a fella. Desperation isn't an attractive quality.

Then again it has been a few months since I've... well... got any... so I hope my new outlook on the situation doesn't turn into desperation when I end up gagging for it.

But less about sex on the brain...

The big sister is back at Uni... aswell as a lot of my old bum chums. Everyone seems to be settling great and having a blast. And I'm happy to know no one is having it hard... well no one I care about. I've managed to stay in touch with everyone I wanted to... so can't see me drifting away from anyone anytime soon.
