Monday, 5 July 2010

Baby I love you now and forever x x x

Before I posted a status on facebook... about how certain girls like to remind all there friends how much they love their darling children... It caused several of my friends to respond to this status... So I decided to blog about it.

Facebook is becoming more and more overused. Now some may think I've saying this in a negative way... quite frankly I'm not. It's turning into a machine where by every single emotion you feel throughout the day has to be facebooked and shared with the rest of the online community. Me being a nosey fucka enjoys reading the highs and lows of peoples everyday lives. Whoses seeing who. Whose pissed off with who. Who can't wait to go out with who tonight! Call me sad... but I know I'm not the only one among us who feels every status, is now hard solid fact, merely because it is FACEBOOK OFFICAL!

But to my main subject in this blog is aimed at the mums among the facebook community. The mums who remind us every 5 minutes how much they love their bundle of joy. The mums who post pictures of their little baby having a bath, eating a mashed up banana, having a turd on there bagpuss potty (very old skool btw!). I love it how the new generation of mums feel they have to report to us 10 times a day exactly what there 2 week old new born is doing. Now come on hun... I want to know whose dating who... not baby Kira has just smiled... because come on... lets face it... she most likely has just shit herself!

The more I think about it... the more it actually upsets me... When I was younger, the idea of a networking site would not have even been able to be described... as know one would have any idea how it would work. It would of been seen as more of a Big Brother theory... rather then reality! So my parents couldn't post status' about their precious little son waking them up at 3am because I wanted feeding. My mum couldn't constantly repeat how much she loved me very couple of hours... My childhood must be so incomplete!!!!!!!


It might not be FACEBOOK OFFICAL, but I know they still do love me :P

Love you Mum and Dad x x x

Sunday, 27 June 2010

It's really really not worth it!

Right I'm offically going back to my own ways I've decided... These past couple of weeks have tought me some valuble life skills.

I've always been able to emotionally detach myself from a guy when being close with them... some call it slutty, others say its creating a barrier to protect myself, I call it the best way to be!

If you want something from someone... within reason... you can quite easily go out and get it. When you like someone... things are completely different. You feel like you handling a situtation completely new to yourself, a siutation you seem to have no control over, and the fact you feel like you can't have the person... most likely mates you like the subject even more, wanting something you can't have basically.

Nevermind... you've always got them as a mate... better then nothing.

So fuck it... I'm young, free and single and ready to mingle!


Sunday, 16 May 2010

Friends with a ex

Is it possible to actuall create a solid friendship with a ex... or is it a waste of time?

You dumped the guy for a reason so why bother trying to make the small talk with someone you didn't exactly want to spend time with... thats why he's now called a ex.

"I'm not ready for a relationship", ppl use that excuse willy nilly. However in some cases its actually true. A solid friendship with someone is nine times out of ten but better then any partnership... don't you agree! So maybe being friends with a ex shouldn't be as hard or complicating as you time!

These type of situations can only work tho if both beings involved both agree. But how do you know your both thinking the same? You can't very well just ask... breaking up with anyone creates all sorts of emotions, hatred, jealousy, angry.

No breakup is usually pretty. So maybe the end should just be the end.

Better still the beginning maybe should have never happened. Maybe friendship is just the say forward. No relationships... just friendships... and sooner or later if that friendship blossoms so be it... but if not... you still have a good friend you can love.

So maybe thats a lesson I've learnt from.

Don't look for love... look for a mate

Friday, 16 April 2010

God I'm one of them?

U know when you and your friend go out shopping or go for a coffee/drink and u see a guy walk past and your mate goes "OMG! My ex is over there, he's such a dick!" Am I one of those dicks! Have I just broke up with someone for no genuine reason what so ever.

They say you appreciate your single life so much more when your in a relationship, but when your single, you think, well I'm not any happier then when I was with them. Guess that's just guilt? Am I right?

Anyway I'll get over it. Suppose I'm being self-centred, I've not even thought how he might be feeling. Then again he could be thinking "Thank fuck that ended"... oh come on who we kidding... of course he ain't thinking that?

Started back at the gym... quitting the cigs... starting a new fresh...

Maybe that month on holiday from my singlehood has done me some good!

Saturday, 27 March 2010

Sunday, 7 March 2010

A blog from the bog

Not much to say... or you wanna know...

Tuesday, 23 February 2010


I'm sooooooooo annoyed at some people in this world!

Some heartless, selfish people!

How can people treat others so badly when there are so many other bad things going on!

I wouldn't say I'm a perfect person... but never would I treat a person like shit when sometimes... sometimes they might need them most!

And how can some people feel so hard done by when others brush themselves down, wake up each day... can get on with things!

Some fucking people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

I love you, but I love me more

“I’m looking for someone special”, “I’m fed up of being messed around”, “Why are there no good men out there”. Sound familiar? Of course it does. That’s you! Gloomy, miserable you! You complain like you’re the only person who has been hurt before, and everyone else has had it easy. Well let me hit you with some knowledge. Your not! Everyone has felt that way at some point or another. We’ve all said those exact words, or something similar, which includes connotations of hurt or regret! But what I wonder is who here can raise there hand, stand up and say, “I made out I was looking for someone special, when really I would have made do with anyone who made me feel special”, “God I messed him around a bit”, and “Why can’t I be bothered settling for someone when there are generally nice men out there”. You wanna know why? Because we have all at some point or another been selfish and shallow when it comes to a relationship.

I can honestly say, I have been selfish and shallow, for the simple fact, right now, I love guys, but I love me more. Am I having fun being single, of course. Do I want to be single, not necessarily? Contracting a bit perhaps? No! If someone came along, that “special person” we talk about so much, sure I would jump at the chance, otherwise anything other then that guy, why settle for your Average Joe, why settle for anything less.

So am I just sitting around waiting for Mr Right to knock on my door? Am I balls! Something long term can wait; something spontaneous is what I’m after at the present.

But what if I break a few hearts on the way? So fucking what! We all get our hearts broken at some point or another. The feeling that nothing is worth living for anymore, that everything is no longer as bright and colourful as it once was… blah blah blah! It’s about getting over it. Moving on!

And lets face it… if your not planning on breaking a few hearts from now… you most likely already have.

Sure there are a lot of dickheads out there who will make you feel like shit, but remember to someone else your most likely that dickhead who makes them feel like shit…