Well me and Vicky thought it would be nice to spend some quality time together today... since we only seem to see each other at the pub quiz. As nice at it is to see the pub quiz gang every Wednesday night but the novelty of the quiz has worn off I think. We never win... and I've given up on the fit barman Danny. Ano he has a girlfriend but its never stopped me before. But he must be "loved up". His loss anyway.
The plan was to go to Manchester for the day. So we did. We went to Afflex and boy has it changed. It's still a cool place just more spread out. I remember when it was jam packed with little alternative querky shops.
I was tempted to buy a Marilyn Monroe poster, but I thought my Audrey Hepburn and Debbie Harry poster was enough. If my parents didn't no I was queer, the gay alarm would have deffo been going off in their heads if I put a Marilyn Monroe poster on my wall.
I was more interested in the Lacoff Le Chat Noir poster tho. I thought it looked very vintage.
After that we had a pub lunch in the Old Wellington. I had a nice burger. Or should I say a 100% Aberdean Angus Burger.
Then we watched Wanted. Amazing film. Vicky wasn't as amazed by it as I was. But any film that contains bullets that bend has two thumbs up from me.
We then ventured to HMV and I bought Fightclub for £3. Whoop whoop. What pisses me off about HMV is that fact they always have a sale. "Up to 70% off everything". What a load of old mans bollox! HMV can hardly classify themselves as having a sale because that 70% off everything sign is always up. They could save a lot of time and effort if you just sold cheap CDs/DVDs. God! But good marketing anyway!
Also today as I was stood at Wigan North Western waiting for my bus home, a typical Wigan Chav came strolling alone... covered in blood, and shouting "POLICE!". I just left him to it and carried on listening to Rihanna on my MP3, MP3 ano how 2003, but I can't afford a I-pod so it'll do me. But what I found this chavs main problem wasn't the blood pouring out of his nose but was his fashion sense.
Each to their own I say. But tracksuits aren't flattering at all. Bloody hell ano you wanna look like you have social status but come on you look like a prat! Trackies should only be worn for the gym or lounging around the house only. Maybe if your lounging around the house or coming back the gym you can show yourself in public if you need to nip the shops etc. But don't plan to go out in your trackie bottoms. We don't live in the 1990's anymore! Sporty Spice isn't the look you should be following!
Anyway he got onto his bus. He did look a bit shaken to say the least so I suppose I could say "I hope he got home safely".