Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Is Myspace Dead!

Tonight I have realised something... Myspace is dead to me... completely.

I do still sign back on every few days... but I really don't know why... it must be just habbit.

I signed in today and has a few friends requests, a few birthday reminders, and a comment.

I looked at my comment and it was just from some musican who was promoting some new tune on his profile. But the previous comment I had to that one was from the 14th November when people where wishing me a happy birthday!

Am I getting old? Can I not classify myself as a hardcore scene kid who went to Pada on a Friday... and drank Aftershock and VKs... is this the beginning of the end of my youth! True I am no longer a teenager this year... the big 2 0. Am I offically a adult... how do I know... am new to this whole adulthood... do I need some sort of membership?


Now heres summat to make me laugh!

I remember posting one every 5mins... god I must of been annoying... I obv thought my life was worth talking about lol.

Here are a few recent bulletins people posted!

  1. I would love to hav sex watching CSI....... Well I'm not being funny or anything... but if you wanna have sex whilst watching CSI... go have sex... and I don't know about you... but if I was having sex... the last thing I would want to be doing is watching TV... even if their shit... thats down right rude!
  2. back in college tomorra. Firstly its tomorrow! We are not part of the ghetto here my dear. But nevertheless... hope your feeling better.
  3. PC4PC on Default. Now default must be the more sophisticated way of saying dp (display pic). I'm so no longer with the times. And btw... no I won't PC you!
  4. i'm on aim for the first time in ... (the next word was ages... incase your left in dispence). Right now I feel right embarassed... I have know idea was aim is! But I feel I have a connection with this guy. I'm on myspace for the first time in... ages!
  5. hi... Now this is a short and sweet one... I think its quite nice... Straight to the point. Its not demanding anything... this girl who posted this is pretty much recreating the scene when you walk into a room fulla people and shout HI! And everyone thinks your the crazy wacky friend! So I feel this girl is talkin to me personally... or am I reading into it to much... who knows!
  6. god only knows. Quite abstract... It has kinda confused me... I don't know if the subject behind the declarative is "listen everyone I've discovered something! The only person who knows is God!"... or its a question "God only knows?" lik if someone said something equally as random to you like "The grass is green" and your thinking what! "The grass is green?" (WTF)!

God I miss the days when I spent hours on myspace!

Life was much simplier!

And superfical!

Well I'm a facebooker now!

Facebook is the new slutty myspace which does stuff with you that myspace was to much of a prude to do...

So fuck you myspace!



Monday, 19 January 2009

OMG like totally Vintage? Totally!

Ever since I can remember I've been into fashion especially looking different and unique.

What I like the most is people who wear items of clothing which is either vintage or retro.

I found my knitted tank top today which my sister bought me for my birthday. I'm wearing it right now with my paisley shirt and black skinny jeans. I feel very 1970's! And I love it!

Its weird because these days I personally feel its almost contempary to like previous generations styles etc. Don't get me wrong fashion can only go so far before it goes full circle and certain clothes come back into season... like the mini skirt etc... but I can't help but get wound up sometimes.

For example... my Blondie tshirt... which I bought from topman as I loved the whole Debbie Harry shizzle about it... but when I saw a chavvy looking guy wearing it... it angered me!

This blog probs doesn't make much sense.

I'm just in a retro mood!

So heres a pic of me



Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Wow its been a while!

Where do I begin?

The Next sale came and went... what a bag of shite that was... enough said on that...

Christmas and New Year came and went... it was ok... got pissed... so it was good I guess.

and I started back at college... which I like as it means I'm getting back into my routine and the swing of things.

But was I'm going to talk about in this blog is how people can come and go in and out of your life so quickly.

Recently I've really liked someone. I mean really liked someone. You know that feeling where you actually feel sick because you like them so much... thats how I felt.

It was a stupid crush which just didn't work out... but I still find it unusual that some people do come into your life... fuck it up... and then go! And when I say go I don't necessarily mean literally... metaphorically to.

2009 I made a few New Years resolutions... which haven't worked out already and its only been 14 days into the year.

  1. Quit smoking: - I haven't necessarily quit... I've cut down... alot! And that I'm happy about. So all those who think I have no willpower... fuck em... I'm proud of my accumplishment!
  2. Be more organised: - Well its not exactly worked out how I planned considering I only got up about a hour ago... but still I've not had any assignments or anythin yet so i don't surpose I've had anything to major to organise.
  3. Find nice, reliable man: - And have I... have I fudge! The only nice, reliable men I know are either straight or have some other equally complicating situation which stands in between any sort of relationship we could have. Yet at the same time all the perverted, weird, childish guys out there are all over you like a fly to a dog turd! Well surpose thats just how the world is. I'm planning on buying a pet to forful my single sad life lol. And I really want a fish!

Well I better be getting up



