I do still sign back on every few days... but I really don't know why... it must be just habbit.
I signed in today and has a few friends requests, a few birthday reminders, and a comment.
I looked at my comment and it was just from some musican who was promoting some new tune on his profile. But the previous comment I had to that one was from the 14th November when people where wishing me a happy birthday!
Am I getting old? Can I not classify myself as a hardcore scene kid who went to Pada on a Friday... and drank Aftershock and VKs... is this the beginning of the end of my youth! True I am no longer a teenager this year... the big 2 0. Am I offically a adult... how do I know... am new to this whole adulthood... do I need some sort of membership?
Now heres summat to make me laugh!
I remember posting one every 5mins... god I must of been annoying... I obv thought my life was worth talking about lol.
Here are a few recent bulletins people posted!
- I would love to hav sex watching CSI....... Well I'm not being funny or anything... but if you wanna have sex whilst watching CSI... go have sex... and I don't know about you... but if I was having sex... the last thing I would want to be doing is watching TV... even if their shit... thats down right rude!
- back in college tomorra. Firstly its tomorrow! We are not part of the ghetto here my dear. But nevertheless... hope your feeling better.
- PC4PC on Default. Now default must be the more sophisticated way of saying dp (display pic). I'm so no longer with the times. And btw... no I won't PC you!
- i'm on aim for the first time in ... (the next word was ages... incase your left in dispence). Right now I feel right embarassed... I have know idea was aim is! But I feel I have a connection with this guy. I'm on myspace for the first time in... ages!
- hi... Now this is a short and sweet one... I think its quite nice... Straight to the point. Its not demanding anything... this girl who posted this is pretty much recreating the scene when you walk into a room fulla people and shout HI! And everyone thinks your the crazy wacky friend! So I feel this girl is talkin to me personally... or am I reading into it to much... who knows!
- god only knows. Quite abstract... It has kinda confused me... I don't know if the subject behind the declarative is "listen everyone I've discovered something! The only person who knows is God!"... or its a question "God only knows?" lik if someone said something equally as random to you like "The grass is green" and your thinking what! "The grass is green?" (WTF)!
God I miss the days when I spent hours on myspace!
Life was much simplier!
And superfical!
Well I'm a facebooker now!
Facebook is the new slutty myspace which does stuff with you that myspace was to much of a prude to do...
So fuck you myspace!