What I like the most is people who wear items of clothing which is either vintage or retro.
I found my knitted tank top today which my sister bought me for my birthday. I'm wearing it right now with my paisley shirt and black skinny jeans. I feel very 1970's! And I love it!
Its weird because these days I personally feel its almost contempary to like previous generations styles etc. Don't get me wrong fashion can only go so far before it goes full circle and certain clothes come back into season... like the mini skirt etc... but I can't help but get wound up sometimes.
For example... my Blondie tshirt... which I bought from topman as I loved the whole Debbie Harry shizzle about it... but when I saw a chavvy looking guy wearing it... it angered me!
This blog probs doesn't make much sense.
I'm just in a retro mood!
So heres a pic of me
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