My Mum- Can make a mountain out of a mole hill if I'm perfectly honest, but without being sexiest, thats most likely because she is a woman. However, she always has good intensions and other peoples needs before her own. I tell her everything about my life... even the stuff she doesn't want t hear... which I find amusing, as she gets all embarassed! Good times!
My Sister- I appreciate her more when she is away from home... because it means I look forward to seeing her when she returns. Shes the girl that knows everything about everything about me! She's the one who when your going round to a guys house to "hang-out", tells the parents "Mark's just gone from to Laura's or Becky's or Ryan's house". Great girl!
My Dad- Now as a few of my readers will know... I never got on with my Dad, and tbh I don't really want to focus on the past. What I like is the now. I like how accepting his is. How nothing I do seems to surprise him anymore. He's the guy I ask for a sneeky cig off because apparently "I've quit". And the guy that if I'm ever is serious trouble, he'll deal with it calmly and able to sort it out for you.
And most importantly... we all know how to drink like a fish!!!!!!!!
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