Sunday, 19 July 2009

A big sorry to the masses!

Recently I have realised something... something that I never wanted to ever happen in my life. I think it is all part and part of growing up and having important priorities but in the past few months (looking back now) I feel my priorities have all been to do with work and other related issues.

Without sounding like every other person on the internet but my life is focused a lot around the people I love, friends, family etc. But unfortunately I feel I haven't been giving these people my time. I'm finding it harder and harder to see people, whether its going out with the fags to manchester or just having a brew and a chat with an individual. And I'm not liking the situation.

Sure I still love them all and I don't feel I am growing appart from anyone I just feel that all my close friends I don't see as often as I would like to.

God I sound pathetic... there are worse things to worry about in life. So I hope this blog post doesn't come across as superficial.

Anyway I'm sorry to all those I love if lately I haven't seen much. But hopefully soon when I get a routeen back in my life you will once about be my number one priority.


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