Sunday, 30 November 2008

How thoughtful are those people at Boots?

Now its getting nearer christmas... and most people instead of going out partying with there other halves might decide inside to stay in, instead of going out in the bitterly cold weather. You all know what its like... dim lights... log fire... the royal variety performance on tv. And then one thing leads to another... and your at it like rabbits. Sure this most likely the stereotypical thought of a romantic night in when really its a few cans, a take way pizza and a quick shag... but nevertheless those clever people at Boots are ready and stocked up for the occasion.

When walking into Boots yesterday... one of the first things I saw where Durex condoms. Sure for a one night stand a few condoms is all you need... but no... Boots are prepared for making that romantic night in a little bit more... intension. As next to them where a huge variety of Durex lubricants... which is apparently "All you need". The you have your typical cock rings and body lotions... to bring Christmas 2008 in with a bang... literally.

And what I was most impressed was... next to all these... pregnancy tests. See! How clever? Obv the managers where thinking...

"Right everyone its Christmas... lets make sure the shelves are fully stocked up with Durex this and Durex that... and don't forget to put some pregnancy tests next to them... I mean lets face it... if you've got a bun in the oven... what more you want for Christmas".

So all I can say is... Well done Boots! I like your thinking.

Only problem is... for the sad singletons like myself... your just rubbing it in our faces

You evil, evil, BASTARDS!

Happy Holidays


Wednesday, 19 November 2008

How Much Of a Faghag are you?

Right I want to get something straight, just because you hang out with a queer... doesn't automatically make you a faghag... there are rules and regulations you have to go by in order to become a faghag. And here they are.

  1. Most importantly... someone who says they are a faghag... is not a faghag. Its like being cool. To be cool you don't go round telling everyone your cool... you just know... or other people say it to you. A true faghag doesn't brag about her gay best friend, their gay best friend brags about them.
  2. You must be good looking. There is no such thing as a ugly faghag...
  3. You must have been shopping with your gay bff. Primark doesn't count.
  4. Your gay bff must no the in's and out's or your personal life. If you feel to ashamed, and miss out the knitty gritty details... your not a faghag.
  5. You must like a drink or two... or three... or four.
  6. You must be able to walk into a club with ur gayboy and look bord. That way you look like you own the place.
  7. You must be willing to shut up for most of the time in a conversation with your fag and be able to listen to them talk about nothing but themselves.
  8. You must act like you love yourself more then your fag. No faghag should depend on their fag... otherwise they just look like a P.A.
  9. Quotes like "Me and my gay best friend go shopping" aren't allowed. People should be saying to you I wish I had a gayboy to go shopping with.
  10. Your gay comes before your guy!
  11. Your guy must like your gay.
  12. The scene is a good night out... not a let down because there isn't anyone to get off with.
  13. Class is essential!
  14. You must enjoy the following films: - Bring it On, Mean Girls, Sex and the City, Clueless
  15. You must enjoy the following musicians: - Britney, Madonna, Kylie

Follow these points and you'll have a gay old time


Friday, 7 November 2008

Damn common people!

Guess what guys and girls! I've joined a gym! Thats right... I'm actually getting off my backside and getting fit. There once was a time when the idea of going the gym seemed like being kicked in the nuts... but I've actually grown to like going... and I feel its got to a point where I can add it on my CV under "Hobbies and Interests". So now if I hand a CV into a protencial employer they'll be thinking... was a young, independant man... we'll want him to work at our place.

What I like the most about the gym is I feel I have become a Yuppie... a young professional. I commute to my work placement and buy frappachinos from Starbucks. I own a fashionable trench coat, from Topman... but if anyone asks, its D&G ;) I carry around a man-bag with my, aka a puff bag... but still it goes well with my River Island scarf... and I listen to Radio1. I'm not a college student... I'm a trainee hairdresser I'll have you know... and I'm loving life as one of the many people who experience the hussle and bussle of work life.

Now at this point of my blog I'm sure your all thinking "Well why is the subject of his post, sound so angry towards the common people of the world". Well let me get onto that part.

I've been ill today... stomach pains... but after having about 5 poos today I think I've shit the bastard out my system and I'm feeling much better. So I thought whilst I'm on the mens I'll nip to the gym. Anyway my gym is the Profiles gym at the Robin Park Arena. To my dissapointment their must have been some sort of event on at the JJB. So the car park was packed! But the clever people who work at Robin Park made a nice little One way system around the car park... so that all the common people of the world could easily drive around looking for a hopeful space. Anyway some of these people where obviously to stupid to master this one way system and ended up driving the opposite way round towards me. Now if this was one person I would understand and without sounding sexist I'd just tut to myself "woman driver" or if I'm being more specific "woman driver driving a Land Rover discovery with 3 children in the back and an embarassed looking husband in the passenger seat. But it wasn't just one car going the wrong way it was several! This ment I think had to reverse all the way round this tight one way system... being careful not to crash into any of the randomly parked cars on curbs etc.

Damn common people!!!!!!!!!!!

How hard is it to use a one way system... obviously it must be too hard for some!

So in the end I got fed up and drove home. So thanks to them idiots I missed out on a Friday evening workout! Hope your happy with yourselves!!!!!!


Friday, 24 October 2008

I wanna live here!

This advert fasinates me! In a world or crime, poverty and Lily Allen... you can't help but feel... why the hell is the world so harsh. But just by watching this advert can give you a positive outlook on all mankind.

Sure the commercial is advertising Monarch Scooters... but I feel there is a subtle message behind the simple layout of the advert. The neighbourhood all these "disabled" folk live seems to be the ideal place to live. Everyone seems happy and knows one another. There seems to be not that much traffic... as everyone is driving around on their little scooters in the middle of the streets and there are not children or youths hanging on street corners, playing "curby" so setting off home made fireworks. What a delightful place??? Then again places like that must be on the top end of the market so would most likely set you back a penny or two to buy just a simple one bedroomed terraced. No wonder their clothes look like they've been bought from Oxfam.

Another thought of the day is this... Paul O'Grady is a tosser! Now before you start moaning... I did watch todays show and I had to say I thought it was very sweet what he did for that lady in the audience but regardless I think he's a idiot.

His show is based on these 5 things:-

  • An ugly, smelly looking dog... which has become so much of a novalty you can win a Noddy Buster... whoop whoop!... not!
  • Stupid sexual referances like... "let me go over here and play with my organ"... come on Paul mate... its a tea time television program... we don't need visual images of you banging on out whilst eating our Spag Bol!
  • Arse licking guests! Paul no one cares your friends with Cila Black... I mean for god sake... someone as to be! And no Russell Brand isn't sexy!
  • Ethnic minority child. Seriously... their either black, asian or Irish... I'm sure he just borrows them from Kerry Katona.
  • And finally a bunch of men who help out on the show they you can tell either work in the canteen or is the productions handy men. And at every possible moment are force to take their clothes off so the middle aged women in the audience can scream and wolf whistle. Come on please if I wanted to see a fat black man and a man with a body off baywatch but a face off crimewatch, I'd just go the Hub on a Saturday night.

And thats it. The same 5 things happen of each show.

Now Loose Women, thats a show I can relate to. An hour about talking about how shit men are and shoes is my kinda program. I don't wanna "join the party every week day at 5 oclock"... I wanna know about important things... Like how many calories a Starbucks contains... and what men really want in bed... and will I ever find love... See important things.

So do me a favour Paul and piss off... I preferred you when you where a woman.


Saturday, 18 October 2008

Happy Meals really do bring a smile to your face...

Yesterday I went to visit my friend in hospital. I won't mention their name because its not my place to say who it actually is in hospital, but yeah last night I was at Wigan Hospital visiting my friend.

She has had a lot of health problems over the past few years and for the life of me I couldn't tell you how serious her condition is... as she seems to suffer from a lot of different things.

She went into hospital last Sunday, and she thought she was going to be discharged last night... but then got told she had to stay in for another week. So I thought I'd go and see how she is. She hadn't eaten all week. She said she didn't feel like it... and I'm not surprised... hospital food is hardly eating at the Ritz.

She was talking about how she wanted to order a pizza from Kebab King down the road... but we both came to the conclusion they wouldn't order to Langtree Ward. So I offered to go to McDonalds for her. She wanted a Chicken Nugget Happy Meal, and I wanted a double cheese burger... I mean it would be rude of me not to join her lol.

So I went to get her grub for her and muggled our fest past the miserable nurses at the desk. Her face seemed to light up at the sight of McDonalds. I didn't know if this was because she was starving or it was a sign that their is still life outside the four walls of her ward. Being in a hospital bed for a week must feel like being in prison.

We watched Hollyoaks and talked about how glad we where that Tina McQueen died... we didn't like her. She then infronted me about what was happening next week in Hollyoaks, and Corrie. I don't like Corrie but still I thought I'd just listen to what she had to say. I could tell she'd been reading all the gossip mags cover to cover the past week.

She's now been moved to Manchester for a operation. I wanna go and see her but I'll have to fine out where the place is before its set in stone.

It weird when you see people in hospital you think your life is a piece of piss compared to what their going through... all I care about now is her getting better.


Thursday, 2 October 2008

Well isn't that just the cats Pyjamas

I have internet back!

Don't worry I didn't leave you. I'm still alive and well.

To be honest nothing to exciting has happened in my life... well nothing exciting which you would actually care about. So feel free to stop reading now...

Anyway I love my hairdressing course. I'm just itching to qualify and be employed somewhere... but I think I have a good few years and a lot of practise before I'm good enough to be at that standard... I mean lets face it... I've only been doing it for 5 weeks.

Other then that I'm completely off men. I realised I was becoming someone I kept saying I wasn't... a desperate boyfriend wannabe. So before I turned into a bunny boiler I decided to just take a break from thinking about anything to do with that... and you know what... I've had more attension from guys this past few weeks then when I was on the lookout for a fella. Desperation isn't an attractive quality.

Then again it has been a few months since I've... well... got any... so I hope my new outlook on the situation doesn't turn into desperation when I end up gagging for it.

But less about sex on the brain...

The big sister is back at Uni... aswell as a lot of my old bum chums. Everyone seems to be settling great and having a blast. And I'm happy to know no one is having it hard... well no one I care about. I've managed to stay in touch with everyone I wanted to... so can't see me drifting away from anyone anytime soon.


Sunday, 21 September 2008

Hello from Leicester!!!!!!!!!

Well the sister has offically moved back into her lovely terraced house and I was kind enough to stay over last night to keep her company. Didn't have the best of sleeps... I kept waking cold... damn you single glazed very 1995!!!!!!

Anyway I need to get my train soon. I love trains. I feel like a yuppy on a train! With my manbag and Janet Finch novel and not forgetting a Starbucks black coffee.

I think I should live in the city. I think I'm a city boy at heart... ooooooow!!!! I could be part of a country club aswell... so I can summer in the country... and get away from the hussle and bussle of city live!

Now theres a plan

Anyway bye


Wednesday, 10 September 2008


Only a short post. It's all about Rihanna's single "Disturbia". When I first heard it I was like "wow thats quite a groovey little tune". Only afterwards I forgot what it was called... but I remembered the video was quite "bizarre". This is how I came to think the song was called bizzario. Only problem is now when ever I sing along to the tune instead of disturbia I sing bizzario.

What a fool???

Sorry I didn't put the original video on the blog post... youtube was being a bastard and wouldn't let me use the Html. But you get to sing along to the song anyway.


But I think the word might catch on... if you think something is quite strange just say... "well thats quite bizzario!"

Or it could have a completely different meaning.

Let me know if you have any ideas

And I'll do another blog post if anyone comes up with something cool and original!


Sunday, 7 September 2008

The Girl That is Called Laura Waterworth

Where do I begin? Well lets start at the very beginning... its a very good place to start.

I thought I'd do a post all about my friend Laura Waterworth. The reason being, soon she is off to Uni... living the life of a student... away from home... drinking every night... catching STD's... rubbing yourself against random strangers... good times good times.

This girl, the last year, has made my life that little bit more amazing.

It was the September of 2007... the days when Pada Lounge was the place to be and Laura Davis was part of our lives... the days when everyone wore a H&M hoody and weekends where spent at 18th birthday parties... o the memories...

But little did Laura Waterworth know that her life would soon be changed forever. I still remember the first conversation I had with that slag they call Waterworth... we were sat in the library looking through books for our photography. I found a picture of a man lying face down on a bed with no trousers on (by David Hockney) and I told her that "this picture somes my life up in one", only thinking afterwards "I don't even know this girl, why did I just say that", but when I saw her laughing like a Santa Claus on happy gas I knew she was going to make my photography lessons much more enjoyable.

We've laughed and cried and argued and kissed and smoked and drank and puked and danced and have spoke to two guys from Norway (who wanted to know where the PART-AY was at) and even sat in my living room in "old men's jumpers eating pizza whilst watching Death Becomes Her. (Btw you still have my "old mans jumper"!!!!! you robbing little bastard!!!!!!)

Anyway Laura... all I can say is... don't go off to Uni... Stay in Wigan... Otherwise I may have to take a overdose, or cut myself, actually know, I love myself to much to do that. But please don't go... who needs a degree these days.


Saturday, 6 September 2008

How rude of me???

I'm so sorry! I haven't blogged for a while! Over a week its been! I'm sure you've all been sat at home thinking "when is Mark's next blog post gunna be", "will he do another one", "OMG the thought of no more blog's from Mark Heaton means life is not worth living". Yes thats right I know exactly what your all thinking. It's my 7th sense. Not my sixth sense. My sixth sense is predicting lotto balls. I was sat in the living room watching the natianal lottery and I said "I bet the next ball is a 13" and it was. Wow I hear you all cry. Well I've always had a thing for balls so I guess thats why.

Anyway. I've started college. Its ok. The first week was a bit boring. All we did was get leaflets and booklets. Thursday was amazing tho! Thursday is my work placement day where I go into a salon. I'm at Cutting Rooms in Wigan... and I loved it. All I did was make tea and coffee, sweep the floor and clean abit but I still loved every minute of it.

Tonight I'm off to Wigan. Living it large in Lux... there's a gay night on so I thought I'd make an appearance.


Wednesday, 27 August 2008

What a classy tramp I am?

Well just been tidying my room... whilst singing along to my new Alphabeat album! Good times good times. I always find it interesting the things you find under your bed when your tidying your night chambers, (lol "night chambers" thought it sounded posh). Under my bed I found several pens, a £2 coin, a empty condom packet, and a odd sock which doesn't belong to me. How classy lol. Least when you get to this age your mum doesn't tidy your room anymore... otherwise she'd have the vicar round to bless the house from the sins committed in my bedroom. Anyway I'll stop blabbering on before I tell you something you don't wanna hear.

O btw I've decided to delete my Video blog entry. Lets face it. It was shite! I thought it would do if I made a few others... but I never can be bothered, so it's been removed!

My hairdressing course starts on Friday... I have to go in for a 2 hour induction... I'll get my timetable etc. I'm really excited... and a bit nervous...

Hopefully I'll make friends with a young mum... O come on! Ano I sound superficial! But lets face it half of you are only friends with my because I'm the "gay friend". But a friend with a baby... now that would be something cool I could brag about. Especially if they where black... I could become part of the ghetto!

Oooooooow I'm excited now.


Thursday, 21 August 2008

A decent Night sleep!

Last night I was able to sleep in my own bed.

There was no moth to be seen.

Without sounding a bit OTT but that moth has ruined my life these past few days. As a result of not having a decent night sleep I've felt like shit... all because of that little bastard!

I'm feeling confident the moth has now moved on... whether its to another room/house or if the little fucker actually realised its life was pointless and shit so decided to commit suicide. Nevertheless my trusty Wasp & Fly KILLER (I love the capitalisation on KILLER, makes the negative lexis stand out and sound more dangerous!) by my bed incase it shows its ugly little face again.

Anyway now that chapters over... another one begins. I'm now a offical trainee hairdresser. I'm on my college course!!!!!!! Me and a bunch of chavvy girls, whoop whoop!

I feel so much better to know next year my future career is hopefully on its way.

I couldn't have gone to Uni this year. I just didn't have my heart set of it. I also couldn't be bothered just getting a job. It just wasn't for me.

I'll keep looking for a apprenticeship but at least now I can say I've got some experience behind me.

Karen, Toni, Vicky and Kyle are all off to Leeds tomorrow. I'm so jealous. Wish I was going. I'm sure they'll have a blast!


Wednesday, 20 August 2008

Lastest on the Moth Situation

Well for the second night in a row I spent it in my sisters bed.

Thank god she's away so there was a spare bed. Otherwise I'd be sleeping downstairs.

Tonight I'm determined to spend the night in my room. I'm ready with my fly killer so if the little fucker shows itself... it'll regret the day it wondered into The Original Mark... WTF's room.

Well not much to say tonight. Work was a bit crappy, pub was nice. Enough said really.

I'm enrolling at college tomorrow... after work in the morning. So looks like it'll be back to college for me! Whoop whoop!


Monday, 18 August 2008


Well by killer bat I mean a moth!

I've just woke my dad up to try and save me from the bastard but it must be a clever moth since when my dad came to the rescue.... it disappeared!

I hate moths. Why where they created? To piss me off! Thats why! They're annoying, ugly, little bastards that do fuck all for society. A bit like Jermey Kyle. They should all die! No one would miss them.

Now butterflies I like. They're more graceful and interesting to look at. Moths aren't!

*Btw the little fucker has just reappeared, now its hiding behind my bed. It also flew into my Marilyn Monroe canvas. This means war*

If it comes near me... its dead! Screw all things bright and beautiful... all creatures great and small... That thing is now bright and beautiful. Its a little (insert taboo language)!!!!!!!!!!


Its knows I'm scared shitless of it! This is torture! Its going to die! Seriously! I'm giving it 2 minutes to get out my room! If its not out by 23.40 its toast... its history... or at least a bloody mess on the back of my ASDA smart price refillable note pad!

I'm minute left to go!

I feel like I'm ready to walk into no-mans-land.

Right its time

The little bastard is going to die!


Attempt 1. Mission failed. Moth hiding behind bed still. Tried killing enemy with a sock on the end of a pole. Failed. Moth now started to crawl under bed. Must move bed.


Moth now in sight. I believe it's still mocking me. Going to try attempt 2. Same method. Sock on pole.


Hit moth with sock on the end of pole. Had its back to me. Was able to sneak up from behind! Not sure if creature is dead. No sign of corpse. Only a weird dust stain on carpet. Must investigate if moth is really dead.


Moth is offically dead! Mission complete!

Thank god for that!

I can go to bed now



No wait!

Its not dead!

Its sat on my pillow!


Moth now trapped under a beaker! Do i set it free! I feel bad now! I can't kill it when its got no means of escape! Thats inhumane! Right I'll set it free!


Moth set free. If it dies in the rain. Tough shit! Not my problem!

Now I can deffo go to bed!


Saturday, 16 August 2008

The Nights Out

Well Thursday was amazing! The foam party at Liquid I have to say, for me, was one of the best nights out I've ever had. It was weird talking to people and thinking soon they would be off to Uni and I'd never see them again. I'm kinda getting fed up of the whole "What did you get?" question which you just seem to say automatically now, the moment you see someone you reconise.

And there's so many times you can say to someone "Least you past" without it being patronising!

Anyway after Thursday night being such a awesum night out last night seemed a bit of a let down. When to Rach Collins 18th, had a bit of a boogie. LOL... I'm sure I'm the gay guy that dances at 18ths. The gay one which all the relatives don't mind but hope their son won't end up that way. LOL!

Anyway the taxi ride to Wigan was probably the hightlight of the evening. As a matter of fact it was probably on par with Thursday night. We were all sat there, talking about how to get Nat and Becky's younger sister's into Lux when a small LCD sceen came down from the ceiling and Cascada started placing. Then to top it all of some random disco lights came on! Best £2 I've ever spent on a taxi.

Anyway when we got to Wigan it was a bit shit.

So I got the 2 o'clock night bus home.

The night bus makes me laugh. You see guys getting on with some drunk slapper with her knickers up her crack and a pizza in her hand... classy bird. And in the back of your mine you think god he's gunna get some tonight... and she'll regret it in the morning. But being a gentleman he pays the whole £2 bus fair for her. Bless. And on the ride home their's always a old man you end up shout "shout up" to because he's sat at the back of the bus, alone, either singing some football chant, or talking about how the pigs took his beer off him.

O but the best people on the night bus are the sober asian students... You can tell they've got off at Wigan Northwestern, from Preston or something, and thought o there's a bus on tonight I'll get that home... saves getting a taxi... saves a bit of money... god Yoko your a genius! But the moment they step on the bus with their rucksack which is almost the size of them and a small red suitcase, their faces drop. BUT THEY'VE PAID! They can't get off the bus now! So they sit at the front holding onto their belongings for dear life. Bless them. They make me smile. And usually whilst this is happening the slapper with the pizza has usually thrown up down herself past out with legs wide open and fanny hanging out.

God its good to say your from Wigan!

Good times


Thursday, 14 August 2008

Living it Large in Liquid!

Today could have gone either way! It could have turned out to be one of those days where you have a perminate smile on your face or a day where every second you feel like you could cry. Fortunately it turned out to be a brilliant day.

Firstly my results. B in English C in Art and C in Photography! Whoop whoop! Pretty average grades some may think but to me they're better then an A.

The woman who gave me my results was nice. She gave me a strawberry lolly pop for doing well. She said it was because I "deserved it" from all the hard work I'd put in. But when leaving the room I realised everyone had a lolly pop. But still it made me feel special. She made me laugh because she was trying to explain which letters on my cerficiates where my grades but I kept interrputing her. I think it was because I was a wee nervous.

Can't wait for tonight. I'm hopefully going to Live it Large in Liquid. I love Liquid! It seems abit chavvy when you think about it but at the end of the day (LOL private joke) I think it seems quite classy. I'm meeting my fellow students in the Tudor. The Tudor is a place which feels like a place Amy Winehouse would hang out in. It's a place all the young trendy people go. A place where you feel like a somebody... rather then a nobody.

I feel awful about one thing though. I was going to text my friend Danny to ask how he did but when I went to send him a text I deleted his number instead of pressing back. So let me take a moment to say Danny if your reading this I hope you got the grades you wanted.

Many congrats to everyone great and small on getting their grades. I surpose its a achievement in itself to last two years of college, instead of leaving to work in a pie shop... I wonder who that could be.

I'm off to put on my best frock on and dancing shoes for a night on the town! Whoop whoop.


Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Same as my guest blog for Toni!

I'm shitting a brick!

Whilst Toni is off on her little church trip, many of us Wiganer's are left in sunny Wigan scared shittless about our A-Level results. True, I'm not off to Uni next year so therefore I shouldn't feel as scared as the likes of Vicky and Dan who need their grades to get into their chosen Univercities, but I can't help but feel if I don't do well the past two years would have been a waste.

I really hope I've done well in my art. I hope I've at least got a C. Otherwise I might just cry. My art means a lot to me. It didn't feel like just a subject... It felt more to me then that. I gave up to much of my free time to end up with a naff grade.

I'm especially nervous for our Vicky. If she got into Oxford we'd all be sooooo proud of her!

Grrrrrrrrr! Its an awful feeling this. It's a feeling that no one else seems bothered but you! But really everyone is in the same boat.

Anyway I'll try and talk about something different.

My day.

I went to Manchester by myself. I love walking round Manchester by myself. It gives you time to just think about your life, in a city which is just amazing! I love going into all the designer shops and looking at high-heeled shoes which cost nearly a grand. Just being able to hold them makes you feel like someone important. I wish I had money to buy expensive shoes. My River Island £60 shoes are the most expensive shoes I own. But still their Retail. Retail shoes come ten a penny nowadays! Its all about the designer labels!

I had a interesting discussion with Karen in the pub tonight. We where talking about protesters. When I was younger and I thought I was some sort of 21st century hippy I was all up for protesting etc. Ban the Bomb, Drop Beats Not Bombs and all that shizzle, but now I'm quite glad I didn't ever act on what I thought was right at the time... because the simple fact was... I hadn't a clue what I was arguing against.

I hate people in the world who think they understand the subtle reasons why we went to war with Iraq, why animal testing is cruel. But they don't! Sure their are a small minority of folk who have researched their side of the arguement and fully understand what their talking about... but people who are persuaded by propaganda drive me crazy.

For once me and Karen actually agreed on something!

Finally good luck to all tomorrow!


Thursday, 7 August 2008

Can I present your host for the evening...

Well hello everyone.
If you are wondering how it is that Mark has managed to post a blog from lovely Wales, he hasn't. I have been given the privelege of guest writing for him. Let me introduce myself for those who don't know me. My name is Kyle, I am one of Mark's very crazy friends, married to another of his even more crazy friends (My lovely Toni).

I played a game tonight at a meeting, a sort of ice breaker that I think is very fitting since I have never met most of you and you can get a little insight into my life. I will write three things, one is a lie. You have to decide which is the lie, the difficulty is that the people I did this with could see me, you on the other hand have til the end of this post to decide...

1) My middle name is longer than my first and last name combined.
2) I have been backpacking across Europe.
3) I am originally from South Africa.

So, lets see if you can figure out if I am a good liar in writing.

On to the next topic...
I am able to write Mark's blog for one main reason, the holiday he is on? Well I spent two dys with him and some friends there, I unfortunately have had both the good and bad sides of getting a job. Unfortunately that meant I had to come home for the week. I am going back tomorrow (can I hear a whoop for Pwllheli!).

It occurs to me that I should write something relevant to Mark so I guess you may be wondering how I know him. I never went to school, college or work with him. I actually met him via my wife. Its one of those cool things about getting married, you gain an entirely new branch of friends. I knew of Mark and the gang, but until our last holiday to York, I never really knew them. Now, well I guess if he trusts me to write this and not talk drivel then I guess it speaks for itself.

I am not really sure what else I can tell you, I'm sure its too soon for my life story! So I think with that I will bid you farewell. It has been a hoot blogging for you and Mark.
Until next time, remember, I have never and don't ever want to backpack across Europe!


Thursday, 31 July 2008

O Shit A Bat!

Today me and Holly went to Chester Zoo! Amazing day! We saw the elephants, tigers, monkeys, penguins, a lot of snakes, bats... pretty much every animal you could think of.

It was nice spending the day with Holly. I've not known her for too long... well I have but not become close friends with her till recently. I love it when you make friends with someone who you just click with straight away. Someone where it isn't awkward eventhough you don't really know them well enough to have a indepth conversation with. It was the same for people like Emilie and Laura W. They are people that you would prefer to spend time with then people you've known for years and years.

Anyway back to Chester Zoo. The highlight of my day was when a bat flew into the back of my head. We went into the bat cave thing they have... thinking they'd be flighting around over our heads... But no! And these weren't just the little cute bats you see flying around in summer. This bats meant business and where huge!

The moment one flew into me I thought Holly I think its time to leave here lol. On the way out a bat flew out the door. It was funny to see the reaction from two men who were frantically trying to get this poor bat back into the bat cave. LOL! But me and Holly just legged it!

Good Times Good Times...

So I thought it remind me of the day I've buy a keyring with a bat on! Whoop whoop!

I'll hang it in my car I think.

This pics made me smile...



A shout out!

Saturday, 26 July 2008

Alice Formby

This blog post is a bit different to my usual rants I have. It might not work because usually I'm not a very emotional person. But today has been a strange day.

I got up at 1.30 because last night I was dancing the night away which the cool kids of Wigan! I woke up without a hangover which was a blessing! Then again I didn't get to drunk last night. Lux is completely different when your not completely wasted.

Moving on... I got up and made myself some carbinara (dunno if thats the right spelling but aww well). Then I thought I'd do something productive and walk the dog.

Now usually I take my dog to Orrell. But its boring there after you visit it to many times. So I thought I'd go somewhere else. I decided to go to a place called Lydiate... in Merseyside... on the way to Southport. Its a place where my Gran lived all her life. Its a dead nice place. Just contryside for miles and miles. I decided to walk Tina on this field behind a house called Sunnyfields... a house my Gran lived in, and a place my mum, aunties and uncles grew up it. My Grandad built the house in the 1950s I think. It's one of the nicest house's I've every seen.

I sat on the field for a bit and had a few ciggies whilst Tina wondered around. It was weird sitting there thinking all the memories I had of this area. And all the memories my mum would have. I always hear stories from my family about things that happened which they lived at Sunnyfields, and it was weird to see the results of the stories I've been told. For example... Sunnyfields apparently got strook by lightening when my mum was a teenager, and to this day you can see the different coloured tiles on the roof where they must have had to fix the damage caused.

I miss my Gran. She was one of those people who played such a big part in your life. She died 5 years ago... on the day before my birthday. I'm not a religious person. Don't get my wrong I'm not completely against the idea there was never a God, but I don't believe I'm a true Catholic. That's why I never pray. Because I feel if I prayed to God for help with something I would kinda being a bit selfish the fact I'm asking for help from a religion I don't think is fair or truely moral. But my Gran is someone I talk to, and someone I used to be able to talk to. Thats why I miss her so much.

I then visited her grave and bought a sunflower from a flower shop on route, for her grave. She liked sunflowers.

Then I realised at this point Tina was dying for a drink of water so I thought it was best to set off home.

The weather made today a pleasant day aswell. Driving down country roads with both windows down listening to Rufus Wainwright... I couldn't ask for anything more.

God that probably bord the crap out of you lol.

Love you Gran x

Sunday, 20 July 2008

The Wedding!

This weekend has been amazing... but long and tiring.

Was in work on Friday night. Getting the store ready for the NEXT sale. Was in work till 9... and was shattered. Moving stock from A to B can really take it out of you.

Anyway I went to bed about 1am but had to be up at 5am to get ready to set off for the long drive down to Essex... for my cousin Claire's wedding. I know Essex is a pretty big place so I could do with being a bit more specific where the wedding actually took place but for the life of me I couldn't tell you where it was.

Going down south is strange. It's weird to see the complete contrast in Northern and Southern folk. All my cousin's friends... and new husband... are from Essex or the "promised land" as they like to call it. But us Northerner's wanted to show the softy Southern's how to party into the early hours of this morning.

Me and my sister shared a room to stay over in. The venue was really nice and querky! And it was nice that finally the sun came out for a bit. About bloody time.

I got to meet my cousin Nick's new girlfriend Sharon. She was amazing! Such a good laugh!

I also got to see my cousin Greg who I hadn't seen for a while. Me and Kat took advantage of him abit by putting all our drinks on his tab... He probably had a heart attack this morning when it came to pay for his bill.

Good times good times.

There isn't really much for me to say about this weekend. Well nothing you'd fine that gripping or interesting. There was this bitch who was being a complete pain in the arse towards me, Kat and Greg but I don't wanna go on about her to much... Let's just say people like her aren't worth talking about. Enough said.

I finally got to bed about 4ish... well thats when we stopped drinking and thought we'd call it a night.

So I'm shattered now. Least I made us Northern's look hard as rocks!

Monday, 14 July 2008

What A Nice Day

Well me and Vicky thought it would be nice to spend some quality time together today... since we only seem to see each other at the pub quiz. As nice at it is to see the pub quiz gang every Wednesday night but the novelty of the quiz has worn off I think. We never win... and I've given up on the fit barman Danny. Ano he has a girlfriend but its never stopped me before. But he must be "loved up". His loss anyway.

The plan was to go to Manchester for the day. So we did. We went to Afflex and boy has it changed. It's still a cool place just more spread out. I remember when it was jam packed with little alternative querky shops.

I was tempted to buy a Marilyn Monroe poster, but I thought my Audrey Hepburn and Debbie Harry poster was enough. If my parents didn't no I was queer, the gay alarm would have deffo been going off in their heads if I put a Marilyn Monroe poster on my wall.

I was more interested in the Lacoff Le Chat Noir poster tho. I thought it looked very vintage.

After that we had a pub lunch in the Old Wellington. I had a nice burger. Or should I say a 100% Aberdean Angus Burger.

Then we watched Wanted. Amazing film. Vicky wasn't as amazed by it as I was. But any film that contains bullets that bend has two thumbs up from me.

We then ventured to HMV and I bought Fightclub for £3. Whoop whoop. What pisses me off about HMV is that fact they always have a sale. "Up to 70% off everything". What a load of old mans bollox! HMV can hardly classify themselves as having a sale because that 70% off everything sign is always up. They could save a lot of time and effort if you just sold cheap CDs/DVDs. God! But good marketing anyway!

Also today as I was stood at Wigan North Western waiting for my bus home, a typical Wigan Chav came strolling alone... covered in blood, and shouting "POLICE!". I just left him to it and carried on listening to Rihanna on my MP3, MP3 ano how 2003, but I can't afford a I-pod so it'll do me. But what I found this chavs main problem wasn't the blood pouring out of his nose but was his fashion sense.

Each to their own I say. But tracksuits aren't flattering at all. Bloody hell ano you wanna look like you have social status but come on you look like a prat! Trackies should only be worn for the gym or lounging around the house only. Maybe if your lounging around the house or coming back the gym you can show yourself in public if you need to nip the shops etc. But don't plan to go out in your trackie bottoms. We don't live in the 1990's anymore! Sporty Spice isn't the look you should be following!

Anyway he got onto his bus. He did look a bit shaken to say the least so I suppose I could say "I hope he got home safely".

Tuesday, 8 July 2008


Today had another job interview at Rebel Hairdressers in Total Fitness. It went really well I think. They seemed really positive. So fingers crossed. I really like the look of the place and it would be so handy for me as its only down the road. I'm really excited now to be honest.

I liked it how the woman interviewing me wasn't patronising or telling me what I should do. If anything she seemed impressed with how much I had already done to try and get an apprenticeship.

Also it might sound daft but a lot of hairdressers have pretty much said to me "you've got amazing GCSE's why the fuck you doing hairdressing!". Because I want to do hairdressing that's why! But today she said it was "refreshing" to see someone who had such good grades choosing to go into the hairdressing industry.

I feel today, if I get the job or not, hairdressing is something I'll be really passionate about and something I really want to do. And I think it was down to the lady giving me so much support.

So like I said fingers crossed. I'll hear in a few weeks.


Monday, 7 July 2008

It's Been a Long Weekend

This weekend has been a good one it has to be said.

Firstly on Friday I went round Wigan. Once again Pada was dead. I miss the good old days, and by that I mean a few months ago, when Pada was the "it" place to be. It used to be sooooo packed... but not in a Bentleys way where you can't move at all. Everyone used to be there. But not anymore. No one goes there. Lux is the place to be these days. Becky saw Fletch from Hollyoaks and I think got a bit star struck... Bless her. I saw Emilie on Friday, which was nice considering I haven't seen her in a while. Shame I only get to see her these days when we're completely pissed... or at least I am completely pissed. Me and Emilie made a friend with someone who was impressed with my Pac Man t-shirt. But we got a bit confused when he started talking about Facebook being closed down and PVC... Weirdo...

Anyway Saturday I was in work at 1. Was a bit worse for wear it has to be said. Nevertheless I had a fun time in the shoe stockroom doing markdown on the shoes for the sale. At 4.30 Rachel, my manager, came in the stock room and asked if I wanted to go home early. Fair enough I would be paid less but I wasn't complaining.

Then Saturday night I went to Chris's 18th at Frankie's house. It was a good/interesting night. A few eventful situations unfolded but all in all a good night had by me. (Happy Birthday Chris btw).

Yesterday went to Haigh Fest. I had to walk there and back. I'm soooooo unhealthy. I was out of breath walking up that hill. But it was worth it. I had the fittest Cheese burger ever! Got a bit pissed... again... and got a bit wet. My theory was... which I stole off my good friend Holly... if I get wet I get wet. I knew it would rain but I thought I might as well not let it ruin the day. Which it didn't. Quote of the day:

Chavvy girl to her boyfriend: Hay let's go in that bus which gives out free condoms.

Chavvy boyfriend: No point I don't use them anyway.

Went to the Tudor after that. Was nice just sitting there and chatting.

Today I got up at 1pm. Usually I feel I've wasted the day in bed but today I just want to do good old Fanny Adams. People complain about having nothing to do. But I love it. If I wanted to do something, like go to Manchester, Wigan etc... I would go. But when you have nothing planned to do... do nothing. Sit around. Watch a film. Enjoy it whilst it lasts. Sooner or later you'll be doing something like working or looking for a job and you'll wish you where doing nothing then.

Wednesday, 2 July 2008

"Dear Sir/Madam, I'm currently looking for employment..."

Today I realised something. It might make me sound really strange and quite sad to actually admitt this but I find reading peoples CV's really interesting. I think you can learn a lot about an individual just by reading their CV. I don't just mean what GCSE's they achieve but what type of person they really are.

For example, if someone uses some sort of "crazeh" font, you can tell their obviously a bit wacky and outragous! Some people use very sophisticated layouts and fonts. Others waffle on for about four pages, describing every signal slightly interesting thing they've achieved in their lifetime. Those people are call big heads.

The most interesting part of someones CV is their personal statement and personal details. One CV I read had "Marital Status: Single". As if a employer is interested in that.

"Well she has shit GCSE grades but at least she's single". They show's she's either very specific about what she puts into her CV or she is willing to do anything (if you catch my drift) to get the job.

I think its funny when people write in their personal statement "I think I'm a nice person". Well no offence mate but I'm sure Hitler though he was a "nice person". What does they tell you. It tells you that the person thinks their a nice person yet at the same time most likely isn't.

Hobbies are also quite amusing. Here are some of the hobbies people wrote down in their CV's:

  • Reading fashion magazines (aka... the what not to wear section in OK magazine)
  • Walking. Walking... doesn't everyone walk. I wouldn't classify myself as a "walker" but I like walking to. I mean if I didn't like walking how would I get from A to B.
  • Movies. Firstly we're not American, they are called films where I come from. And they obviously shows you don't have a very interesting lifestyle. I mean I watch films all the time but I won't call it a hobbie. I mean I'm watching Bring It On right now. It's hardly a hobbie.
  • Chatting with friends. How original. All that shows is you have friends. No need to drag.

And the best one I thought was...

  • Hula Hooping! Thats right Hula Hooping. Whoop whoop! Let's employ this lass... She'll be a hoot at the Christmas parties... prancing around with her hula hoop.


I'll like to remind you all at this point I'm not calling this people. I mean each to their own. But still... it gives me a laugh!

Finally hard lines Mr Murray. But Nadal beat you fair and square. Your arse was truely whipped. Least that Nadal was pretty fit.

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

I fancied a change so I'm now a short black guy!

Let me clarify that statement. I wanted to change my hair so I decided to go short again. I've also had it died black. I'm kinda liking it. Just think I'll have to apply some more fake tan... keep topping it up. God it's going to get to a point where my face will be glowing. Well these it beats looking like a goth!

Anywhoo about my day.

Hello Next Robin Park, Mark speaking, how can I help...

Today at work a woman wanted to return some black shorts. She informed me she got black shorts because "black goes with everything"... as if I care love. She wanted to return them because when she went to the gym this morning she found a huge rip in the back! Shock horror! I mean children are dying in third world countries but more importantly this woman found a rip in her shorts!!!!!!! What is the world coming to?????

But wait this wasn't the "terrible situation" she was put in. When returning a item without a receipt if the item was in the sale you have to return the item at the lowest price. And guess what this item was in the last sale. She wasn't to please she had to pay a extra £7 for some new shorts. We its either that sweetheart or you can walk round your arse hanging out! At the end of the day I'll still be able to sleep tonight.

In the end she paid the extra £7. She wasn't getting them returned at the original price. Lets face it she did by them like a year ago. Silly woman!

Sunday, 29 June 2008

Ladies who shop

Right today I was at work. Now my usual shift at NEXT is 3 till 7 on a saturday, which is shit, and its the time when stupid unorganised women come in, to buy the all important pair of shoes to go with their all important outfit which they need for their all important night out. And when you don't have the size of shoe they're after... they go ape. I feel like saying... well no offence love but those shoes aren't the main problem... because lets face it... you can't polish a turd.

But today was different. I didn't have a single customer who was a complete tosser, which was nice.

At the end of the day I do like my job. It's easy. And lets face facts... you can run off to the stockroom for a hour to put hangers away and if anyone complains "where've you been?" just use the excuse... "all the hangers had cubes on... so I had to take them all off". Works everytime.

I'm only joking.

I'm a good little worker really. Well that I think I am anyway.

But days like today (a Sunday)... make you feel good about yourself... because you haven't had to deal with any stereotypical boring women, whose main aim in life is to shop.

I've got a haircut tomorrow morning. I'm thinking of getting it cut a bit shorter. Straightening my hair has given me terrible split ends. I'm also thinking of getting it died black... or at least dark brown. But I'll keep applying the fake tan first so I don't look pale.

I WANNA BE ORANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Da Vinci's

Well got a letter from Da Vinci's Hairdressers today. I didn't get the apprenticeship position. I slightly gutted because I feel I would have gained a lot of experience in a place like that. It seemed a place where I could get trained well.

Anyway if I can't get a place somewhere there's always the college course to rely on. I don't think I would get the best training at a college then I would working full time in a salon, but least I'll be doing something.

Anyway I went for a freshers morning at the Image Centre in Leigh this morning. It went well... Alot to take in mind you.

We had to go to a room where we got told about different trips avaliable to go on, and how much are hairdressing uniforms and kits would cost etc...

Whilst I was sat there I found myself judging a few of the girlsin a way that half of this girls live up to the stereotype of a "common" female hairdressers.

The Pregnant Girl

Still in school. Only doing hairdressing because she thinks "Its easy", and theres nothing else she could possibly do with her life.

The Blonde Chav with bad roots

Now she looked like a girl who would go far in life... not! The image centre is called the image centre as its a centre all about IMAGE! Seriously love... but on some less dykey clothes and smarten up a bit!

And Finally the Blonde Chav with bad root's second in command

Now she was worse then the blonde chav. Shes a type of girl who follows her chavvy friend round... not because she likes her... not because they have a special bond... but because she has knowone else, and she'd rather have one friend who looks like a tramp and crawling with STD's, then no friends at all.

Now I'll admit I sound cruel. But isn't it true. When you think of a young 16 year old girl wanting to do hairdressing you automatic assume she's a nieve giggly girl would doesn't really understand the real world.

That's why I'm exciting about hairdressing. Because I'm not a giggly school girl... LOL that statement amused me...

I want to go far in life. I want a good career. And I'm gunna go outta my way to make sure I do.

Thursday, 19 June 2008

The Cat Fight

OMG I've just literally shit a brick!

My cat Roger is known for being a cat with a few missing brain cells, and ends up getting into all sorts of situations. Falling out of windows. Running into doors. Staring at walls. And most of all getting into fights with next doors cat Tom.

Anyway last night I was woken up by the sound of two cats fighting. I presumed it was Roger so I just left it because its become second nature now. I woke up this morning and found Roger in a bit of a bad mood... so I imagined he must of been a bit shook up from the night before. There where no physical signs he was hurt so I thought I'd just leave him to potter around the house as usual.

But just then as I went into my utility room I once again heard the noise of two cats fighting outside my door. I went outside to "break-up" the cat fight, because I thought it would have been the best thing to do.

I looked under the car port for him and under the car but I couldn't see either Tom or Roger anywhere.

As I went to go back inside something caught my eye. Two eyes staring at me through the darkness!

Well my heart almost stopped! I first of all thought it was a person standing behind my dads car staring at me, when really it was just Roger sat on the roof of the car. Either way it shit me up big time!

Its actually really freaked me out. I haven't felt that terrified in a long time.

Well least my girlish screams must have scared next doors cat away. And probably most of the neighbours.

O/j I didn't scream...

Monday, 16 June 2008

A Busy Day

Had my job interview 2day at Da Vinci's in Wigan, for a apprentice position.

Fingers crossed it went well. I think it did but the man interviewing me said there was like 18 other applicants and he had to narrow it down to like 4... so there's only a slim chance I'll get picked... anyway like I previously said fingers crossed. Then again I think by being told the number of applicants made me think if I was fortunate to get choosen as one of the four I would feel even better to know I was better then 14 other people. Wonder if I was the only guy going for the job? That would mean I would have a advantage over the rest. Without sounding sexist but men do have a unfair advantage over women in the hairdressing industry... because there is only a small minority of men which apply to do it.

Anyway then I had work. 5.30 till 10.30. Which wasnt to bad to be honest. Was shattered after it tho. Moving jeans from one place of the store to another is tiring stuff. God I'm unhealthy. I really should quit smoking. It's on my list to do... ;)

After work I went to hang at Kaz's house. You realise how much you hate certain individuals when your in company of true friends. You also realise certain peoples bad qualities when your surrounded by people who you know would never piss you off.

Can't believe Vicky is going off to Oxford. Does this mean I won't see Kaz, Toni and Kyle as often. I hope not. Please tell me this won't be the case.

I have known a lot of different people in my life. I don't no if this is because I'm the "gay friend" who everyone tells things to... but I've listened to a lot of peoples problems, peoples lies, peoples bitchiness, but after a while you tend to avoid this people and classify them as "people you know" rather then people you admire.

But on the other hand there are certain people in my life which I don't ever want to loose. People would don't lie. People who if they had a problem I would devote my 100% attension to because at the end of the day, I would know what was bothering them was true and real.

These people I call my true friends, my best friends. And I'm just so happy they are in my life.



Thursday, 12 June 2008

Mr Liquid

Have you noticed the moment you start liking some... it ends.

You can casually see a guy. Go for a drink. Chat on the phone. Text etc. But the moment you tell a friend you like someone... Its no more. For no reason!

This is the second time this has happened.

I talk to a guy. Keep in touch for a few weeks. Everything goes fine. Then the moment I feel... wow I kinda like this guy I can see this going somewhere... It doesn't!


Anyway this is my second blog of the day so its only a short one.

Am I the only one who feels this way...

Wednesday, 11 June 2008

My AIDS scare and the Old Man


I'm in a bit of a situation...

A few years ago I got a tattoo at a place called Rays. I was only about 15-16 when I got it done so looking back on it it seemed like a bit of a stupid thing to do.

Don't get me wrong I love my tattoo... I have no regrets there. But the idea they actually let me have a tattoo at that age without asking for any ID does seem a bit strange. Anyway the problem is these past few weeks I have heard all sorts of different rumours about the place.

My friend Steph text me about a month or so ago asking where did I get my recent tattoo from... which was Skin Graffiti. After replying to this she said "Ok thats fine, just if you had it done at Rays you have to go for a blood test".

But then I was thinking well I did go to Ray's... only that was a few years back now.

A week or so past and as I was in Wigan, I was walking past Ray's and there was a sign on the door stating "Ray's has never been closed down, and never will".

So this made me believe that what my friend Steph told me was just hearsay.

But now I've just got off the phone to my friend Amanda from work... who told me the same thing about if you've been to Ray's you need a blood test, due to the use of dirty needles.

So what do I do...

I personally feel its just a visious rumour going round.

But I still feel it would be better to be safe then sorry.

But then again can I be bothered. I don't feel scared enough to bother going for a blood test.

I feel like a tosser for saying that!

Moving on... onto the Old Man.

Today I had my first English Language exam. It was horrible so I don't wanna go into much detail about how I feel it went... Then again I did learn a lot about the suffragette Emily Davison... God she was a strange woman... I understand her intensions but if you ever read about the way she protested she seemed like a person arguing a point yet didn't know how to argue.

Anyway... I was told I was having a male reader for my exam... That's right I need my own reader... But hay! I get to sit in a classroom rather then the sportshall. So I can't complain.

Anyway my reader was called Trevor. I should have known he was gunna be a small fat balding old man... But I could live in hope that some fit guy would turn up and do more then talk to me about linguistic features. (God I've just realised I'm using English terminology in "sexy talk", something must be seriously wrong with me).

But unfortunately for Trevor he wasn't my type.

Better luck next time mate.

But the coffee breath and waist high trousers where a bit of a turn off.

Friday, 6 June 2008


After doing English revision, it reminded me of the class we had where we looked at two texts about political correctness.

This lesson stook out for me as I strongly disagree with the PC society we live in. WTF is it all about... that's what I say.

Sure we have language which we all consider to be taboo... c u next tuesday... if you catch my drift... and the all dreaded N word. But it has gone completely to far.

Yesterday, today and tomorrow there has been, are, and will be people who offend other people. Thats life. We don't live in a world where everyone is nice with each other... People get called... people get bullied... people get insulted... that is what happens. And, as sad as it sounds, that is how things are always going to be.

I believe that words are not offensive unless the reasoning behind using the word is to offend. Does that make sense? If not here I'll explain.

If one of my friends said to me "Mark, you are the biggest puff I've ever met"

Would I be offended... would I balls. People consider the word "puff" to be degrading, but at the end of the day I am a puff, queer, gayboy, so what else are they surpose to call me.

Now if it was a pilled-up 40 year old man shouting "Oi, Puff, fuck off"... then the word puff in that context would be considered offensive.

If I called someone a Nigger, Paki etc I wouldn't consider it to be offensvie, unless I used it in a offensive way... which I wouldn't.

I think people have become too soft. By changing 'mind map' to 'thought granade' just makes more nonoffensive nouns into offensive ones.

Just because some sad act thought it was an insult the entire thing has to be changed... My message to them is... get over it you tosser!

Thursday, 5 June 2008

Another day another dick

Grrrrrrrrr one word... MEN!

Or should I say... RELATIONSHIPS!

What is the point in them. I always thought of myself as being someone who is on the look out for that special someone. Now don't get me wrong I don't mean that in a Sex and the City type of way... where I except to live happily ever after in a penhouse in New York... eventhough that does sound quite fun. But even just finding a simple, reliable man to spend time with is a pain in the arse.

But the people I find even more idiotic then men are people like myself... Who feel (or at least felt) that sooner or later someone would turn up out of the blue and everything would be hunky dorey!

I pride myself as being a positive person. I like who I am and the way I look. I have flaws, don't we all, but I have never considered them to be a issue.

But recently when I have let myself fall for people I have found myself starting to question the positive image I once held so proudly.

Relationships, don't always work. You have to kiss a lot of frogs to find Prince Charming. And by kissing a lot of frogs either gets you a reputation or makes you feel worse.

No one wants to go round kissing frogs all their lives. But its all part and part of growing up and "experiencing" life... if thats the best way to put it.

You have to take the good with the bad. Sometimes people hurt you... sometimes they don't.

True friends don't hurt you. You can pick your friends, which means you can make the choice who you think will stick near you and who wouldn't.

I think I'll keep kissing frogs. As long I realise some frogs maybe complete tossers.

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

A typical Tuesday

God life is stressful

College, work, boys. It's all too much and too bloody STRESSFUL!

Today started off great. Turned up to college as usual. Went to my first lesson, Values For Living (its a pointless lesson which is surpose to "make us think more" as we discuss world dilemmas, like poverty and war), and to everyones disappointment, where told that it was our last ever VFL this year. And since we're all leaving soon, guess it was are last pointless lesson EVER!

Anyway after that I had a 3 and a half hour free. Usual I find this free time and excuse to do fuck all in the canteen, when really I should be doing work. But not today. I spent it preductively sunbathing on the field near the smokers shed in college.

Then it was my next lesson Art. I love art, so surprisingly don't have a bad word to say about it.

Then English. The last thing I want to be doing on a Tuesday afternoon is listen to our English Language tutor Mike Gregory talk a load of bull shit for an hour and a half.

He is a complete tosser.

He can't control the class, he's patronising and he can't teach to save his life. We really pulled the short straw this year with English Language teachers. Karen buggered off having a nervous break-down and Mike is most likely having a break-down aswell only problem, he's still in college.

But what can I do. College is over soon.

I'll move on.

Just I can't help but feel stressed over exams coming up.

Everyone else seems to plodding along fine, and I'm here getting stressed.

My hair's falling out, I'm loosing weight.

College is really not healthy.

But I surpose the best thing to do at times like this is laugh.


And least I got a nice tan today.

Wednesday, 7 May 2008

The Beginning

Well here we are.

My first blog.

I'm no longer a blog virgin

Whoop Whoop

I feel I have a lot to say.

Whether you want to hear it or not.

I'm no better then the next person.

But I have opinions on things, and unlike a majority of people, I like to share them

Anyway, I'll do my best to keep you all posted about my "fabulous" life.
