Sunday 21 September 2008

Hello from Leicester!!!!!!!!!

Well the sister has offically moved back into her lovely terraced house and I was kind enough to stay over last night to keep her company. Didn't have the best of sleeps... I kept waking cold... damn you single glazed very 1995!!!!!!

Anyway I need to get my train soon. I love trains. I feel like a yuppy on a train! With my manbag and Janet Finch novel and not forgetting a Starbucks black coffee.

I think I should live in the city. I think I'm a city boy at heart... ooooooow!!!! I could be part of a country club aswell... so I can summer in the country... and get away from the hussle and bussle of city live!

Now theres a plan

Anyway bye


Wednesday 10 September 2008


Only a short post. It's all about Rihanna's single "Disturbia". When I first heard it I was like "wow thats quite a groovey little tune". Only afterwards I forgot what it was called... but I remembered the video was quite "bizarre". This is how I came to think the song was called bizzario. Only problem is now when ever I sing along to the tune instead of disturbia I sing bizzario.

What a fool???

Sorry I didn't put the original video on the blog post... youtube was being a bastard and wouldn't let me use the Html. But you get to sing along to the song anyway.


But I think the word might catch on... if you think something is quite strange just say... "well thats quite bizzario!"

Or it could have a completely different meaning.

Let me know if you have any ideas

And I'll do another blog post if anyone comes up with something cool and original!


Sunday 7 September 2008

The Girl That is Called Laura Waterworth

Where do I begin? Well lets start at the very beginning... its a very good place to start.

I thought I'd do a post all about my friend Laura Waterworth. The reason being, soon she is off to Uni... living the life of a student... away from home... drinking every night... catching STD's... rubbing yourself against random strangers... good times good times.

This girl, the last year, has made my life that little bit more amazing.

It was the September of 2007... the days when Pada Lounge was the place to be and Laura Davis was part of our lives... the days when everyone wore a H&M hoody and weekends where spent at 18th birthday parties... o the memories...

But little did Laura Waterworth know that her life would soon be changed forever. I still remember the first conversation I had with that slag they call Waterworth... we were sat in the library looking through books for our photography. I found a picture of a man lying face down on a bed with no trousers on (by David Hockney) and I told her that "this picture somes my life up in one", only thinking afterwards "I don't even know this girl, why did I just say that", but when I saw her laughing like a Santa Claus on happy gas I knew she was going to make my photography lessons much more enjoyable.

We've laughed and cried and argued and kissed and smoked and drank and puked and danced and have spoke to two guys from Norway (who wanted to know where the PART-AY was at) and even sat in my living room in "old men's jumpers eating pizza whilst watching Death Becomes Her. (Btw you still have my "old mans jumper"!!!!! you robbing little bastard!!!!!!)

Anyway Laura... all I can say is... don't go off to Uni... Stay in Wigan... Otherwise I may have to take a overdose, or cut myself, actually know, I love myself to much to do that. But please don't go... who needs a degree these days.


Saturday 6 September 2008

How rude of me???

I'm so sorry! I haven't blogged for a while! Over a week its been! I'm sure you've all been sat at home thinking "when is Mark's next blog post gunna be", "will he do another one", "OMG the thought of no more blog's from Mark Heaton means life is not worth living". Yes thats right I know exactly what your all thinking. It's my 7th sense. Not my sixth sense. My sixth sense is predicting lotto balls. I was sat in the living room watching the natianal lottery and I said "I bet the next ball is a 13" and it was. Wow I hear you all cry. Well I've always had a thing for balls so I guess thats why.

Anyway. I've started college. Its ok. The first week was a bit boring. All we did was get leaflets and booklets. Thursday was amazing tho! Thursday is my work placement day where I go into a salon. I'm at Cutting Rooms in Wigan... and I loved it. All I did was make tea and coffee, sweep the floor and clean abit but I still loved every minute of it.

Tonight I'm off to Wigan. Living it large in Lux... there's a gay night on so I thought I'd make an appearance.
