Friday 16 April 2010

God I'm one of them?

U know when you and your friend go out shopping or go for a coffee/drink and u see a guy walk past and your mate goes "OMG! My ex is over there, he's such a dick!" Am I one of those dicks! Have I just broke up with someone for no genuine reason what so ever.

They say you appreciate your single life so much more when your in a relationship, but when your single, you think, well I'm not any happier then when I was with them. Guess that's just guilt? Am I right?

Anyway I'll get over it. Suppose I'm being self-centred, I've not even thought how he might be feeling. Then again he could be thinking "Thank fuck that ended"... oh come on who we kidding... of course he ain't thinking that?

Started back at the gym... quitting the cigs... starting a new fresh...

Maybe that month on holiday from my singlehood has done me some good!